Ariel Corporation Recognized by Toastmasters International

More than 80 Ariel employees and prominent leadership representatives from Toastmasters International gathered on April 27 to present Ariel Corporation’s CEO and President, Karen Buchwald Wright, with the Toastmasters Corporate Recognition Award.
Toastmasters International is a worldwide leader in professional communication and leadership development and has more than 345,000 members in 142 countries around the world. The organization is known for developing leaders through public speaking, with peer feedback, guidance, and goal setting. The Corporate Recognition award is presented to companies that have shown dedication to the continued support of Toastmasters’ Communication and Leadership programs.
Ariel introduced Toastmasters in 2013. Since its inception, Ariel Toastmasters has maintained three active clubs, one at our Akron plant and two in Mount Vernon, with current membership near 60 participants. The clubs meet twice a month.
Toastmasters is a workshop without desks or instructors. At Ariel, members complete a two-year commitment to the program, using Toastmasters’ practical guides to become a better speaker and leader. The guides provide focus to particular facets of speaking or leadership, such as vocal variety or listening; each facet builds upon the next. As members complete requirements, they are asked to fulfill their time commitment by supporting and encouraging other members during their own development journey.
During the award ceremony, several members of Ariel’s Toastmasters’ chapter spoke about the impact the organization has had on their personal and professional development. Each speaker applauded Toastmasters’ dedication to developing their communication skills and thanked Wright for introducing the organization to Ariel’s workforce.
“Toastmasters has given me confidence in my ability to communicate and convey messages in many situations. It’s not just a club to help you at work – but also at life,” said Josh Rettig, Ariel Machine Shop Group Leader.
Additional speakers included Ariel Toastmasters members Robert Drews, Director of Marketing, Bryan Marlow, Field Service, and Keith Boltz, Training. Drews, an original inductee and current Toastmasters mentor highlighted the importance of self-development through the coaching of others in their progression of leadership and growth. Marlow discussed Toastmasters’ goal-setting mentality and the impact it has made towards improving his physical and mental health while balancing a busy schedule. Boltz passionately reflected on his Toastmasters experience, discussing the program’s challenging to step out of the “box” and communicate publicly about personal and often difficult topics. The four speakers repeatedly touched on the confidence they have gained from their Toastmasters experience.
Prior to the award presentation, Wright introduced Toastmasters’ President-Elect, Balaraj Arunasalem, while discussing the importance Toastmasters has on Ariel’s workforce both at work and in day-to-day situations.
“Communication is important both professionally and personally, especially because business is personal,” said Wright, while thanking employees for their participation and dedication to the program while juggling busy schedules.
While presenting the award to Wright, Arunasalem commended Ariel’s dedication and support of his organization.
“I am humbled to be affiliated with Ariel Corporation and Karen. Ariel’s stewardship and involvement with Toastmasters International are distinctive, as your company values greatly align with the values of Toastmasters: integrity, respect, service, and excellence,” said Arunasalem.
For more information on Toastmasters International, please visit: